The Asia Pacific Peace Museum serves to remember World War II in Asia, as do museums which commemorate WWII in Europe.
It fosters cross-cultural understanding, respect, empathy, and appreciation of all communities as essential conditions to a peaceful society. The museum takes an active stance against racism and promotes inclusivity. By shedding light on and using a critical inquiry approach to war atrocities, visitors are invited to apply criteria for war and peace and their connections to contemporary social issues of broader relevance.
Understanding of past human atrocities help us learn from past wrongs and their historical and legacy harm; younger generations will be inspired to be active actors in peace building.
战后,遍布世界各地的犹太人大屠杀博物馆和教育中心使所有不同种族的人民都广泛了解纳粹德国大屠杀的历史,并对欧洲二战暴行进行反思。<WongAvery 亚太和平博物館>也将为亚洲二战历史的教育提供类似的平台。
虽然在亚洲也有揭发亚太战争个別暴行真相的纪念馆,如<南京大屠杀遇難同胞纪念館>(南京),专门研究日军生化武器的<731部队罪证陈列馆>(哈尔滨), 记录日军性奴隶制度的<利济巷慰安所旧址陈列馆>(南京),<战争和妇女人权博物馆>(首尔)…及纪念原子弹灾害的广岛和长崎和平纪念馆(日本广岛、长崎)等等,但却没有一所展示和探索亚洲二战历史整体范围并以剖析人性为轴心的博物馆。
Why does World War II in Asia Matter?
This war should concern all regardless of our background, ethnicity or religion. It is a living history of our startling capacity for inhumanity and humanity; and of darkest decisions and actions that rob people of their human dignity. In learning about this history, we also grapple with our individual and collective responsibility to the world, to present and future generations, to protect human rights and foster peacebuilding.
The tapestry of themes, narratives, questions in this museum is of tragic untold sufferings, large scale displacements and deaths on one hand, and of multi-layered struggle with courage for reconciliation and moral justice with hope and compassion, on the other.
What will I learn from This Museum?
As you travel on a journey that centers on the plight of individuals, families, communities of different groups of people affected by weapons of war and devastation, including the nuclear bombs, each encounter will transform the history of WWII in Asia as a subject into experiences to be lived and felt, that inspire you to contemplate on its relevance to current society; and our agency and power in building cultures of peace.
As you engage with this museum, consider the following questions:
What ideas and conditions enable a merciless war?
Where are the stories and voices of help, humanity, and hope against those that dehumanize?
What connections does the quote by Confucius “Study the past, if you want to define the future.” inspire you to make, and why?
At the end of your visit, leave your call for peace message as an alternative to war preparation, war profiteering, and war violence.
展品內容和设计均建立在真实、公平、公正、同理心和尊重的原则上 ,并以教育为前提。
作为一所由私人捐赠者、企业和基金会资助设立的博物馆,<WongAvery 亚太和平博物馆> 內的展出內容不受任何利益相关者或政府的影响。
永久性和巡回性的专题展览: 展览以深入浅出的方式,透过不同的媒体,让参观者对亚洲二战历史有更深刻感受
教育中心: 为学校和社区举办工作坊和研讨会
学术研究中心: 学者和研究生可有更多的有关亚洲二战不同领域的学术研究工作资源參考
纪念活动: 让历史不被遗忘、受害者得到尊重